It seems like with every year that passes, comfortable and consumer-friendly AR glasses are just around the corner. One of the latest devices up in the air is Meta’s planned mixed reality headset currently called Cambria. This is a new product line separate from their successful Meta Quest 2.
However, the Cambria headset seems to be geared more toward wealthier audiences looking to get an early experience with the future of AR. Because of this, it seems that Cambria isn’t the magic bullet everyone was hoping for. However, it may be a step in the right direction.
Another important thing to watch out for is the evolution of Apple’s LiDAR scanner. Apple is one of the top companies predicted to introduce a consumer-focused AR headset or glasses in the future. In 2020, their advanced depth sensor was equipped on the iPad Pro, and later was equipped on the iPhone 12 Pro. The more that this technology and processing can be miniaturized, the more likely that we may see comfortable to wear ‘Apple Glasses’ in the future.
In addition to AR glasses, there are even more innovative devices that promise to take a prominent place among the augmented reality future trends. In June 2022, Mojo Vision Labs in Saratoga, California hosted the first demonstration of augmented reality smart contact lenses. Relying on eye tracking, communications and software, AR lenses integrate with user interface to enable an augmented reality experience. Mojo Lens has
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